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Dane Court students win seats on Kent Youth County Council

KYCCMembers2013 250pxThe Kent Youth County Council gives young people the opportunity to have their say on important issues and to get involved in making a difference to the lives of young residents. Four young people are elected to represent each district in Kent, as well as 12 young people elected to Community Seats, ensuring representation of all Kent's communities.

This year three students from Dane Court were elected to represent their community and give their time freely to support and develop policy on a whole range of youth related matters.

Jennifer Power (Year 7) was elected as one of the four Kent Youth County Council representatives for Thanet. She said "I feel flattered to be on the council. I was first interested when my peers were saying about the fact that there is nothing to do in Thanet. I am on the road safety team and I would like to promote speed reductions to 20mph in key places."

Megan Wallace (Year 11) was also elected as a member of the KYCC and has been involved with the Youth Council for five years now, this was her fourth time standing for election. Megan said "I have worked on many very successful and wide spread projects such as the Kent Freedom Pass, a new Anti-Bullying Policy to be launched in the coming weeks, learning life skills and many many more." She went on to say "We give the youth of Kent a voice. Please, do not hesitate to get in contact with us at school (if you go to school with us) or via the Kent Youth County Council website."

Another student from Dane Court, Reece Dougal (Year 11), was elected as a deputy member of the council. This is his second year as part of the KYCC, both years as a deputy member. He also participated in the Anti-Bullying campaign, which resulted in the group creating an anti-bullying policy for use in schools, but could also be adapted for other youth groups and potentially work. Reece explained that he will be focusing on the Activities campaign."I feel that in Kent, especially around my area, there is hardly anything worthwhile to do that is entertaining but relatively cheap, which as a teenager, is what you want to be looking for."

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