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Dane Court on the wild side

P1010270 250pxDane Court Geography Department played host to some weird and wonderful Rainforest creatures as part of a unit of work for Year 7 on Sustainability and the plight of our natural world. Students got to handle our Zoolab Rainforest Ranger's (Emma Lismer) giant African land snail 'Henry', 'Steve' the giant millipede, stick insects, banana tree frogs, a ghost corn snake called 'Casper' and viewed a Chilean rose tarantula called 'Phylis.' One comment from a student was 'this has been a slimy experience!' Students will spend this term studying reasons for Rainforest destruction. They will play host to a large number of primary school students in a few weeks and be educating them about the issues through the Rainforest Game using food from that part of the world and resources they have created.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1559
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019