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Excellent GCSE results

P1010475 150pxYear 11 students are again celebrating success after an excellent set of GCSE results.

96% of students gained five or more A* to C passes at GCSE including English and Maths and over 97% of students were awarded more than 5 A*to C GCSE passes across all subjects.

P1010481 300pxThere were as usual some outstanding individual performances. Maisie Cope was awarded an outstanding twelve A* grades. Charlotte Fewins and Benjamin Hoenes gained seven A*s and five A grades each while Grant Whiteman obtained seven A*s and four A grades. Eden Turner and Courtney Horey both achieved five A* grades with Eden also gaining eight As and Courtney seven A grades.

Paul Luxmoore, Executive Headteacher said, 'Again Dane Court has shown that it provides an outstanding quality of education for its students.'

P1010508 350pxSarah Stivarius, Assistant Headteacher in charge of Key Stages 3 and 4 said, 'I would very much like to congratulate our Year 11 students. They should be both pleased and proud of their achievement. I wish everyone well in their future studies and careers.'

Simon Pullen, Headteacher commented, 'Our students have done exceptionally well and this is down to their hard work as well as the dedication and skill of the teachers here at Dane Court. I am pleased that the final set of results before I take up my new post as Headteacher at the Ellington and Hereson school has been so good.

P1010514 300pxThe students high level of achievement means that they are well placed to do well when they return, following the summer holiday, to start their International Baccalaureate programmes of study in Dane Court's Sixth Form. I would like to wish Mr Luxmoore, Executive Headteacher, Miss Wolloshin, the new Head of School and all the students every success for the future.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1559
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019