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A level results

P1060262 150pxStudents and staff at Dane Court are celebrating another fantastic set of A level results.

At A2 level 99% of optional subjects were passed, with 46% passed at A* - B grade and a superb 27% of all subjects passed at A* or A grade. There were some fantastic individual performances:

Oliver Bray gained three A*s and two A grades. He is off to study Psychology at Oxford University. Kerry Long gained another three A*s and Sarah Emmins, Joseph Larkin, Matthew Roberts and Will Wallace each gained an A* with two A grades. Elizabeth Vincent also gained an A*, but with three A grades. Marah Hampton, Breanainn Roberson and Nina Timms gained a straight three A grades.
P1060225 300pxAt AS level, 90% of subjects were passed, with over 36% at A or B grade. 17% were passed at A grade. Beth Humby, Adam Jones, James Turrell, Zoe Woodward-Lebihan, Beth Smith and Tessa Loftus each gained five A grades. Amy Adkins, Etienne Avisse-Brown, Miranda Gabbott, Richard Gunner, Clara Jones, Douglas Neve, Dominic Woodward-Lebihan and Max Yu each gained four A grades.

The schools International Baccalaureate results were once again superb, with every student gaining the full Diploma. Six out of twenty six students gained 40 points or more – a massive score. These were Dominic Bent, Taylor Day, Maria Steffanini and Faith Wickenden. Samuel Pulman's 41 points have earned him a place to study medicine at Cambridge and William Grover gained a brilliant 45 points, placing him amongst the top 0.25% of students in the world!!

P1060250 300pxThese were the last set of AS results for the school. The new Year 12 will all be studying the International Baccalaureate Diploma, or the International Baccalaureate Careers Related Certificate (IBCC). It was also Simon Pullen's last set of results before he becomes Headteacher of The Ellington Hereson School. He said, 'I am absolutely delighted with these results. They will enable our students to enter the best universities in the country. I am very proud of Dane Court's achievements and particularly of the progress made by the school with the International Baccalaureate. This is the most prestigious international qualification available anywhere in the world and I am so proud that Thanet students will not only take the Diploma, but will be able to compete with the most privileged students at expensive independent schools across the country and the world.'

Mrs Hale, Head of Sixth Form, was also delighted with the results. 'We have the very best teachers in Thanet', she said. 'Their hard work, skill and dedication, as well as that of our wonderful students, has paid off. You don't get such great results without hard work. But it helps to have expert, outstanding teachers too!'

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