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GCSE results day


Year 11 students are again celebrating success after an excellent set of GCSE results. 95% of students gained five or more A*to C passes at GCSE including English and Maths and 97% of students were awarded more than five A*to C GCSE passes with 38% of all subjects being passed at A* or A grade.

There were as usual some outstanding individual performances. Dominic Woodward-Lebihan was awarded eight A*and three A grades. Adam Jones, Richard Gunner and Xinming Yu all gained eight A*s and four A grades. Abby Suttle achieved nine A*s and two A grades and Elizabeth Hume was awarded nine A* grades and three A grades while Beth Humby and Charlie Stokes were awarded an outstanding ten A* and two A grades each. Zoe Woodward-Lebihan gained an amazing eleven A*s and one A grade.

Paul Luxmoore, Executive Headteacher said, "This is again an excellent set of results that shows the outstanding quality of education that students receive here at Dane Court Grammar School."

Sarah Stivarius, Assistant Headteacher in charge of Key Stages 3 and 4 said, "I would very much like to congratulate our Year 11 students. There have been great successes across the subject range and students should be pleased and proud of such achievement. I wish everyone well in their future studies and careers."

Simon Pullen, Headteacher commented, " I am pleased that through the hard work of our students and the dedication and skill of our teaching staff that so many of our students have done so well. I wish to thank all of the staff for their hard work and wish all our students every success in the next stage of their careers."

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
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Sports day 2019