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Chatter 26 - summer 2023

Chatter21The DCGS Chatter team have, as always, been working hard to bring you this final edition of Chatter before the summer holidays.

Chatter members have been getting involved with lots of exciting events both within and outside of school since our Easter edition and writing a variety of reports to bring you all the latest DCGS news!

This edition includes exciting articles on the Medieval Banquet, Grease, International Food Evening and Sports Day, as well as recent school trips and updates on fundraisers, competitions and celebrations. We say goodbye and good luck to Year 11, Year 13 and some wonderful members of Dane Court staff and offer advice to those starting their GCSEs in September.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been a part of Chatter over the past 5 years, from attending meetings to writing articles, getting involved in school events and raising money for our Chatter fundraisers.

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of Chatter as much as we have enjoyed putting it together, and wish you all a restful and safe summer.

DCGS Chatter team

pdf Chatter 26 - Summer 2023 (5.72 MB)

See all Chatter publications

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