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A smooth start to term 1

boars head 54x64pxTo accommodate COVID-19 precautions, there will be a few changes to routine activities so we have written to all parents with some requests and advice to help the start of term run smoothly. Here is a summary:

  • To comply with our new Covid-19 Visitor Policy and in order to ensure the school reception area is not overcrowded, we are asking that all parents either 'phone or email the school to make an appointment rather than visit reception.
  • Our main school office (reception) will not be able to accept any forgotten items such as PE kits, musical instruments or packed lunches into the school office.
    Please ensure your child has everything they need with them for the day before they leave for school. If your child does forget their packed lunch, parents can load money onto their WisePay account remotely or in an emergency we can lend money but this must be paid back to the office on the next school day.
  • To avoid queuing, we are asking parents to load money onto their child’s WisePay account remotely rather than send them in with cash to load onto their account in school.
    If you have any queries about WisePay or have any issues accessing your account please contact us.
    If you would like your child to purchase food at school please ensure you have loaded money onto their account before school starts on Thursday 3 September 2020.
  • Students will have access to their lockers on the first day of school, please ensure they bring their keys so lockers can be cleared. After the first day of term students will not have access to lockers until further notice.
  • For the first two days of term, if your child does not have their school PE kit for their PE lesson, they should bring any suitable alternative sportswear so they can still participate in the lesson.
    By the week beginning 7 September 2020 we will expect students to bring correct PE kit for their lessons.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
Many thanks for your continued support.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
PHOTO 2019 10 30 16 45 31
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019