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International Baccalaureate results 2020

dc logo 120pxDane Court students are celebrating another very strong set of results in the International Baccalaureate (IB) across the Career-related and Diploma programmes.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, who amended their grades in the week commencing 17 August 2020, celebrated 82 students gaining the IB Diploma, achieving an overall points average of 35, against an international average of 29.9 an excellent achievement. Nearly 50% of all entries were graded at 7 or 6 (equivalent to A* and A grades at A level).

The following thirteen students made it on to the prestigious 40 points plus chart, which places them in the top 10% of IB Diploma students worldwide: Jasmine Sayer 44 points, Louis Peters 43 points, Catherine Banks 42 points, Tayla Bayley 42 points, Angel Foster 42 points, Hannah Moran 42 points, Antonio Romei 42 points, Evie Barker 41 points, Kate Biju 41 points, Isolde Cadell 41 points, Cameron Macrae 41 points, Joshua Rudloff 40 points, and Thomas Wells 40 points.

In October, Jasmine, Isolde, Cameron and Joshua will begin their studies at the University of Oxford, reading English, Philosophy, Chemistry, and Philosophy, Politics and Economics respectively. Catherine Banks, Kate Biju, Boni Kandathy and Fauzaan Syed will study medicine. Students have also secured places at the universities of Durham, Warwick, Bristol, Exeter, UCL, and Nottingham.
It is very pleasing that the results of the whole cohort are significantly above the global average for the Diploma, with Dane Court students joining an elite group of approximately 4500 UK students achieving this award.
Students studying on the International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme have received an outstanding set of results in their vocational subjects. 86% of students achieved the highest DD, D*D or D*D* grades. This complements the previous successes in their IB Diploma subjects, received in July, providing them with excellent grades to access their chosen pathways.
Milly Wilson, gained top marks in all her subjects achieving a total of 228 UCAS Points, and will be studying a BSc in Business Management at Bath University, Owen Richardson achieved a D*D in Design Engineering and will study Civil Engineering at Portsmouth University, Esme Spillett achieved a D*D* in Health and Social Care and will study Primary Teaching at Hertfordshire University. Other routes, our highly skilled students are embarking on, include higher level apprenticeships at Pfizer, Kreston Reeves accountancy and the Royal Navy.

We are proud of the achievements of all of our Year 13 students and pleased that their dedication and hard work has paid off.
The 2020 results are testament to the commitment, flexibility and resilience of each of our students who have had unprecedented obstacles to overcome in a year of global disruption.
We wish the Class of 2020 fair winds as they move forwards in this most extraordinary of years.

Martin Jones, Head of School said, “We are very proud of the achievements of our students. They have worked exceptionally hard over the last two years and leave us with a world-class qualification. It has been a real pleasure to work with them. On behalf of all of the students, I’d like to thank our dedicated teachers, who have worked tirelessly to support them. We all wish the students well as they move on to the next, exciting stage of their education or into employment.”.

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