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Physics Olympiad results

BritishPhyiscsOlympiadLogo 640pxIn March, five Year 11 Physics students sat the British Physics Olympiad (BPhO) Intermediate Challenge. This is a single, one-hour paper that is suitable for Year 11 students (GCSE, Standard Grade or equivalent level). The paper includes multiple-choice and short answer sections that aim to test students' knowledge and understanding of basic physical principles. The paper is suitable for students who have studied GCSE Science plus Additional Science or GCSE Physics or equivalent.
Teachers mark the scripts and all participants receive a certificate to indicate their attainment. High-scoring scripts are sent to the Olympiad Office for consideration of the award of prizes. Five of the top scorers (and their teachers) from the Intermediate Physics Challenge are invited to the April prize-giving at the Royal Society.
The BPhO is designed to stretch and challenge the most academic of students. The test itself is written by academics up and down the country and candidates will have to rely upon a vast range of skills to tackle the questions. The five students that sat the test achieved the following results:
Christopher Nissan - 33 - Gold Award - Top 5%
Oliver Goult - 22 - Bronze 1 Award - Top 34%
Ben Geraghty - 20 - Bronze 1 Award - Top 34%
Cooper Roost - 19 - Bronze 2 Award - Top 53%
Sammi Takaloo - 18 - Bronze 2 Award - Top 53%
Congratulations to all those who sat the test, especially Chris Nissan who achieved a Gold Certificate and placed himself in the top 5% of all students that sat the test.

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