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Family support

Schools police officer - survey

KentPoliceSurvey20220112 420pxDear families,
Please see the contact below from Kent Police.
We would be grateful if you could take part in the survey and encourage all members of the family to do so.

We don't yet have a schools police officer in place but are really excited that we will get one in the future.
Many thanks
Anita Ives
Pastoral support officer

"As you may be aware Kent Police have created a Schools Team. This will mean that when fully implemented every secondary, further and higher education provision will have their own Schools Police Officer. In order to understand how we can shape our role and our engagement with young people we have designed a survey that we would like children, teachers and parents to complete.

Could I please ask for your help with this and ask if you could please share with the children themselves and staff members."

I have attached a QR code or you can use this link:

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1559
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019