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Year 11 students - news and updates from Mrs Rolls

Dear Year 11s

Firstly, I hope that you and your families are well.

All the information below is important and requires your attention so please read it carefully:

  1. The Year 11 transition activities have been updated with some more tasks for you to undertake, if you choose.

  2. I know that you are waiting with bated breath for results day on the 20 August 2020. We are currently discussing how this will be organised and I will let you know as soon as a decision has been made.

  3. You each need to return your textbooks and any library books you may have borrowed, and also to clear your lockers.
    Owing to the limited access to school and our social distancing requirements, this will have to be conducted in a particular manner:
    • Label each text book/library book with a post it note sellotaped to the front cover with your name and form
    • Put all your books in a carrier bag
    • Bring your books to the office between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on your allocated day:
      • Barcleona house students - 29 June 2020
      • Delph house students - 30 June 2020
      • Helsinki house students - 1 July 2020
      • Neuchâtel house students - 2 July 2020
      • Sorrento house students - 3 July 2020
      • Tallinn house students - 7 July 2020
    • Tell the office staff if you need to empty your locker (see below)

  4. If you are still using a school locker, this will need to be emptied. Please let the office know you need to do this, when you arrive to return your books. You will then be able to empty your locker, following the strict sanitisation and social distancing policies we have in place. Your time on school premises will be minimal, so please ensure that you have your locker key/passcode available.
    If you cannot attend on your allocated day and would like the contents of your locker to be retained until you can collect them, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 17 July 2020 after which remaining lockers will be emptied for cleaning and reallocation.

Apologies for the rather draconian nature of the email. This is not quite how I'd envisaged book return.

I very much look forward to seeing you upon your return to school

All the very best,
Rachel Rolls

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1563
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019